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This session will equip you with practical tools to clarify what defines a healthy team culture. We’ll kick off by presenting a menu of twelve key culture traits. The audience will have the opportunity to select the traits most relevant to their team’s needs. Our speaker will then guide you through a customizable template designed for open discussion, allowing teams to adapt and implement these traits in a way that best suits their unique environment.
It’s great that the topic of culture is getting more and more attention. However, the topic is vulnerable to ambiguity, cultures are not improving quickly enough, and there might be countless versions of what a healthy culture is.
This session aims to share tools that minimize ambiguity about what a healthy culture is. The session starts with a menu of a dozen culture traits (scroll down to see and expand menu). The audience will choose their most urgent culture traits and the speaker will present a template for discussion and for teams to adopt and make their own.
Key benefits include:
  • Increase awareness and mindfulness of your most important culture traits
  • Identify a few templates to adopt to shape your culture
  • Reduce your tolerance for toxic culture
  • Increase your courage and confidence to install a healthy culture